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March 28, 2018
Lesson 1 Concept The purpose of the study is to consider the global water crisis as it relates to our call as baptized Christians of the Living Water. The lesson will challenge participants to imagine how Christians migh...
March 28, 2018
Since writing my initial article two months ago and sending it off for responses...
March 28, 2018
The mosaic image in the apse of the Basilica of St. Giovanni in Laterano, in Rom...
March 28, 2018
Martha Moore-Keish’s reflection, “Common Waters: Global water crisis and Chr...
March 28, 2018
March 28, 2018
Empires are complex things. Indeed, they prevail, where they do, in part because...
March 28, 2018
March 28, 2018
There is a valid cynicism towards the possibility for religious commitments to c...
March 28, 2018
March 28, 2018