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Give to Columbia

Support Pastoral Leaders

Educate future leaders, provide continuing education, and support world-class faculty.

Pave the Way

Columbia Moves Toward Its Third Century

Columbia has a strong history of educating and nurturing faithful leaders for the church and the world. Our supporters make this possible. Thank you!

Columbia Seminary

Give Now

You Can Help

Many Ways to Give

When you choose to donate to Columbia in support of our mission to nurture faithful and imaginative leaders for the church and the world, you have many options.

Every day, we at Columbia Theological Seminary are called to educate and nurture faithful, imaginative, and effective leaders for the sake of the Church and the world. And today, amidst unprecedented challenges, that calling is more compelling than ever. We have a new way to help us meet the most pressing needs of today.

Thank you to all of our donors. See our latest annual report.

Levels of Columbia Gift Societies

Agnes Law Society$250 to $499
James Woodrow Society$500 to $999
William Marcellus McPheeters Society$1,000 to $4,999
Dean’s Society$5,000 to $9,999
Peter Marshall Society$10,000 to $24,999
Presidents’ Society$25,000 or higher

Columbia Friendship Circle began when the spouses of two seminary professors encouraged other Atlanta wives to contribute one dollar each to help the seminary. From that small group, Columbia Friendship Circle has grown to include all who participate in the Presbyterian Women’s organizations throughout the synods of South Atlantic and Living Waters. Churches from other denominations are also welcome to join.

Their mission continues today in three ways:

  • Pray for the students, faculty, staff, and all members of the seminary community
  • Encourage men and women to consider Christian ministry
  • Provide financial assistance through selected projects that help meet the seminary’s needs

In recent years support has focused on scholarships for students with families and fellowships awarded to outstanding graduates.

To support the goal of five scholarships — $60,000 — make a gift online using the giving form (Be sure to select “Columbia Friendship Circle” from the Designation Drop-down menu), by check, or with stock.

For questions, information, or printed brochures to share, email Valrie Thompson at ThompsonV@CTSnet.edu .

Scripture reminds us of something we know in our bones. We drink from wells we did not dig, eat from trees we did not plant, build on foundations we did not lay. That is the nature of our Christian faith, thanks be to God. 

Just as we have been blessed by those who came before us, we can bless those who come after us. You can leave a legacy for generations to come–a gift, a foundation, for those who come after you—an act of faith. You can help give shape to a reality we cannot yet see, something that will only come into full flower after our days our done. 

Columbia Theological Seminary invites you to consider a planned gift to Columbia as part of your legacy that will support Christ’s ministry through the church that will last.

Endowed Funds Help Columbia

  • Strengthen the church for generations to come
  • Attract students with the greatest potential for leadership in the church
  • Provide resources for our world-class faculty
  • Create innovative programs for students and lifelong learners
  • Be faithful to God’s call

To discuss your own planned giving toward Columbia Theological Seminary, please contact:

David Huffine
Vice President, Advancement

We welcome our gifts in honor or memory of a loved one. You can give online by using the drop-down menu on the Give Now form above or you can mail a check to 701 S. Columbia Dr., Office of Advancement, Columbia Theological Seminary, Decatur, GA 30030. If you mail a check, please be sure to include the following information:

Gift is in honor or in memory of:______________________

Send notification of gift to:
City, State, ZIP

The person you honor will be notified of your gift. For memorial gifts, we will inform a family member. Gift amounts are not specified.


How to Give

When you choose to give to Columbia you have many options for how to make the gift to Columbia.

Use the Give Now form at the top of this page to make a gift today.

You may choose to give by phone or by email.

By Phone

Call David Huffine at 404-687-4568 weekdays from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. ET.

By Mail

You may send donations to 701 S. Columbia Dr., Office of Advancement, Columbia Theological Seminary, Decatur, GA 30030.

Gift of Stock by Wire Transfer

Step 1. 

Instruct your broker or custodian bank to transfer the gift of stock to:

Participant #2039
FFC Truist Bank
Account Number 1116609 (must be included)
Tax ID 58-0566165
Donor Name:

Step 2. 

Please have your bank/broker contact Truist Gift Administrator Beverly Glenn at 404-724-3556, when these transfers have been initiated. Taking this step will prevent the transfers from being returned “DK” or Delayed.

Step 3. 

Notify Columbia of your gift with a copy of your transfer instructions. This enables us to be on the lookout for the gift and confirm any details with you.

By email: Nathan Kongthum at KongthumN@ctsnet.edu

By mail:
Gift Box 325
Advancement Office
Columbia Theological Seminary
701 S. Columbia Dr.
Decatur, GA 30030

By Fax: 404-687-4532

Gifts of Securities Held by Donor

Step 1. 

Fill out stock power form(s). Your stock power must include a guaranteed signature. You need to fill out a separate stock power for each stock issue you wish to donate.

Step 2. 

Write a brief cover letter indicating the number and type of shares, the company(ies), and the purpose of your stock gift. This will expedite our acknowledgment process.

Step 3. 

Mail the certificate(s) without any endorsement or assignment along with your letter (see Step 2) to

Gift Box 325
Advancement Office
Columbia Theological Seminary
PO Box 520
Decatur, GA 30031-0520

Step 4. 

For security reasons, mail the stock power form(s) you filled out in Step 1 to the same address in a separate envelope from the stock certificate(s).

Gifts by Cash Balance Wire Transfer

Step 1. Transfer to:

Truist Bank, Inc.
VABA 061000104
A/C 9088000415
Attn: Gift Clearing
For further Credit to: Account Number 1116609 & Columbia Theological Seminary/Gift Clearing
Donor Name:

Step 2.

Please have your bank/broker contact Truist Gift Administrator Beverly Glenn at 404-724-3556, when this transfer has been initiated. This will prevent the transfer from being returned “DK” or Delayed.

If you hold non-DTC eligible assets, checks, mutual funds, limited partnerships, bearer bonds or fed book entry assets: Please contact Robert Hay, Jr., Columbia’s Vice President for Business and Finance, at 404-687-4512 or HayR@CTSnet.edu.

For questions about any of these processes:

Nathan Kongthum
Director of Development