Editor’s Note- Spring 2009 issue
Almost any media commentator will tell you that we are in an economic crisis. There is a season of repentance upon us, where we take a good hard look at the way we have been spending our money and accumulating debt. Many businesses are folding or changing their mode of operation. Churches and higher governing bodies are making difficult decisions regarding staffing and mission.
The articles that you see in this issue reflect the times in which we live. They offer alternative visions based on a faithful interpretation of the biblical witness and Christian life. We hope that these articles, lesson plans, and resources offer you hope in the midst of the financial whirlwind.
Our Reader Response section this time invites you to share sermons and lesson plans or teaching ideas that you have used to address the economic situation in your church. We hope that all will benefit from the sharing of these fruits of your labors.
Many blessings on your ministries,
Kathy L. Dawson
Co-editor, @This Point