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The death [Christ] died, he died to sin, once for all…
Romans 6:10a
My friends and I were detained, verbally abused, and punished for no wrongdoing. We had good intentions when we entered the town. Nevertheless, we were received with injustice and discrimination. No one was willing to listen to us and understand our stories and perspectives. We were denied access to a fair hearing.
Perhaps, if leaders had given us an audience, we would have explained our mission. When I think of the experience we went through, it helps me to empathize with the pain of people who are vulnerable and marginalized, people who are abused and dehumanized at the US-Mexico border.
It is hard to imagine the sufferings of many children separated and detained from their parents without access to a fair hearing. It is tough to be a stranger in someone’s land without any helper. I believe all people on the border are struggling; some seek shelter, food and hope to have a better life for themselves and their families. That is why it is our responsibility to show care and love in any way we can.
As Christ loved us, so must we show love to the many people who are marginalized, who suffer without justice at the borderlines. The Church is called to send out love through intercession, gifts, and advocacy. It is only through these that the glory of God would shine on these beautiful souls at our borders.
~Alfred Appiah, MDiv student
This blog is part of a 16-piece series for MIGRATION & HOLY WEEK composed by the students and instructors CTS Contextual Immersions J-Term 2022 Courses on Immigration at the U.S.-Mexico Border. Because of COVID, both the planned travel seminar and the virtual seminar joined for a fully online zoom-based two-week seminar. Instructors compiled, edited the offerings into this series. We hope that this series that integrates our studies and themes of Lent will pose questions for all of us to contemplate and respond to in our life of faith.