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Ministry coaching has become a movement in most denominations over that last ten years helping gifted pastors get unstuck and find life-giving pathways forward.
Mentor Coaching by the Center for Lifelong Learning is offered to trained coaches as the second step toward becoming credentialed by the International Coach Federation.
Many of us in ministry once thought we’d find the way toward vital congregational renewal “if I just read the right book”, or “attended the correct seminar”, or “hired the highest-priced consultant”. We quickly found out more is needed.
Through observed and recorded coaching sessions with clients, students receive individual feedback from trained mentor coaches on their use of the core competencies of coaching as they are working toward the necessary 100 hours of client coaching required by the International Coach Federation.
The assessments are designed to increase the coach’s capability and effectiveness in coaching. It is during mentor coaching with a seasoned credentialed coach, that many new coaches say they grew the most.
Six of the ten hours of mentor coaching are delivered in the context of a “learning cohort” of no more than ten participants. The remaining four hours are provided in one-on-one sessions with a mentor coach.
Mentor coaching takes place over a 3-month period of time with professional coach Chris Holmes, and is offered at the end of Coach Training though the Center for Lifelong Learning.
The coaching skills being taught at Columbia are not watered-down “coaching lite”.
They are the robust skills of professional Executive Coaching applied to the context of congregational ministry.
This program is for those who’ve already gone through the TCI Coaching Cohort and want to enhance their skills.
To register for the Mentor Coach Course this fall, click here.