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Along the Journey  |  

Scriptures & Study: A Look into PW Horizons Bible Study

Each year, Presbyterian Women publishes a nine-lesson Horizons Bible study which is used by women across the U.S. (and in several other countries). The studies often focus on a book of the Bible and/or a particular theme. Because the studies are thoroughly field-tested, they include questions for discussion and suggestions for leaders.

Typically, PW circles meet monthly and study one lesson each month from September to May. The studies are “all-inclusive packages,” so PW leaders can tailor the lessons to fit the timeframe and life experiences of the circle members.

I first attended a Horizons Bible Study class at CTS the year I agreed to lead all nine lessons. Having only taught Sunday School to children, I was a bit intimidated about leading adults! I was looking for guidance on how to teach the lessons, and to my surprise, I gained so much more. Currently, I am a part-time leader (our circle members rotate teaching each month), but I try to attend the class whenever possible because the advantages of attending are numerous.

I’d like to highlight a few of them below.

Past studies have concentrated on Esther, Who is the Christ?, Women in the Gospel of John, unnamed women in scripture, the liturgical calendar, perspectives on Genesis, hearing God’s call, journeying through Revelation, the Beatitudes, the presence of God, and more. One of my favorites was titled “Who is Jesus? What a Difference a Lens Makes.”

Analyzing selected passages from different gospels was an enlightening journey to appreciate the value of multiple perspectives, not just about Jesus, but about life in general. Another powerful study was “Love Carved in Stone: A Fresh Look at the Ten Commandments.” Approaching the 10 commandments as a love letter from God which invites all of God’s people to willingly accept our responsibility to live in a community out of gratitude, instead of a list of do’s and don’ts was enlightening and reaffirming to discover.

Faith is a lifelong journey. These studies and classes foster both a deeper personal understanding of Biblical text and kinship with fellow travelers along the way.

To register for the 2022 bible study, click here.

Kelly Weirich, PW Horizons Participant and Teacher

Along the Journey