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Along the Journey  |  

You’ve Graduated, What now?

You’ve graduated. You stared out into a crowd or intently at your screen as your name was called and your degree conferred. But what happens now? Mission work? Chaplaincy? Pastoring a small church? Teaching over the summer? More coursework to address specific skill or knowledge gaps?

If the latter continuing education is worth considering. It will allow you to expand your skillset without committing to another degree program. The Center for Lifelong Learning (CLL) is committed to providing professional development opportunities through continuing education for clergy and other leaders. These opportunities come in in several forms: seminars, courses delivered online or in person consultations, workshops, retreats, and several different certificate programs.

We understand that educating clergy and other church leaders goes beyond the delightfully heady challenges of academic study. The process of lifelong learning needs to continue beyond the awarding of a degree.

Committing years to another degree program may not be the best option for you, now or in the future, due to family circumstances, finances, health issues,  and so on.

Effective continuing education opportunities are vital to both church and clergy leaders in order to sustain a lifetime of effective, engaged ministry.

In the words of American moral and social philosopher Eric Hoffer, “In times of change learners inherit the earth, while the  learned find themselves beautifully equipped to deal with a world that no longer exists.”

The CLL has a plethora of in-person and online offerings to choose from, in locations here in Decatur and Montreat and at our four other Leadership in Ministry Workshop locations.

To encourage you to find out for yourself what continuing education has to offer, the CLL offers each 2021 Columbia graduate a discount applicable to most of our courses. Alumnae discounts are also offered for most courses.


The CLL is committed to offering opportunities to equip you and your organizations with the tools needed for a lifetime of effective ministry. Congratulations on receiving your degree, and welcome to lifelong learning!


The Enneagram and Accompaniment ONLINE

October 18–21, 2021

This is the Spiritualty Programs newest professional development offering for spiritual directors, chaplains, pastors, coaches and counselors who want to learn to use the Enneagram system more effectively in their practices.

With: Sandra Smith


12 Days to Becoming a Better Christian Teacher ONLINE

October 4–29, 2021

Through this 12-day interactive self-directed study, teachers and Christian educators will acquire knowledge and skills to become better teachers. Each daily session takes 60 to 90 minutes.

With: Sarah Erickson


The Coaching Institute at Columbia Theological Seminary (TCI@CTS)

January 10–13, 2022

In this certificate program, you’ll complete rigorous coaching program accredited by the International Coaching Federation. The full course includes 60 hours of instruction and preparation with residential and virtual tele-classes.  (Note: graduate and alumnae discounts do not apply)

With: Laurie Ferguson, Phil Bergey, Chris Holmes, Youngsook Kang and Jihyun Oh


Seeking God: An Invitation to a Deeper Spiritual Life ONLINE

January 10 – February 7, 2022

Gain an introduction to Spiritual Formation as you read wise and encouraging spiritual literature, engage spiritual practices, and reflect on our life with God in a supportive community.

With: Deedra Rich, Carl McColman and Debra Weir


Colloquy for Young Black Church Pastors

February 7–9, 2022

As a young Black clergy leader, you’ll explore the challenges unique to serving in the Black Church. Explore with peers shared experiences about the dynamics of ethnicity, race, and gender in your work as a pastoral leader. You’ll learn how these experiences have influenced your self-identity as a clergyperson.

With: James Ellis III and Lynn Brinkley


Leadership in Ministry Workshops

Five Locations: Portland, OR, Lynchburg, VA, Boston, MA, Kansas City, MO, Atlanta, GA

In the Leadership in Ministry Workshops, you’ll explore with ministry peers how Bowen Family Systems Theory can be a “theory of practice for ministry,” and learn to apply the concepts of family emotional process to your own ministry context.


To view the full list of CLL courses and programs, click here

*To use CLL discount code, select your preferred continuing education course, select recent grad and follow prompts.

Along the Journey