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Since 2017 the Center for Lifelong Learning has participated in the Thriving in Ministry initiative of the Lilly Endowment. Columbia seminar is one of 129 organizations across the country participating in this initiative.
The Thriving in Ministry initiative seeks to “cultivate deep friendship among pastors, walk alongside pastors and foster pastors’ wellbeing.
The projects support pastors in congregational ministries facing transitions, such as beginning in a new congregation or preparing for retirement, as well as those who share common experiences, such as women of color in ministry, bi- or multi-vocational pastors, or pastors in rural communities.”
The Center for Lifelong Learning interprets the Thriving in Ministry initiative through its Pastoral Excellence Programs: the Leadership in Ministry workshops, Ministering to Ministers, and the Colloquy for Clergy series. Over 100 clergy participate in these programs annually.
The insights we have gained about what pastors need to thrive has informed the adaptation of the program designs and experience. What we’ve learned about what pastors need to thrive, which we strive to meet, includes:
Opportunities to participate in the Pastoral Excellence Programs: to support your thriving in ministry are available at the Center for Lifelong Learning.
Please join us, we’re here to support you in your calling.
To learn more about CLL courses and programs, visit Continuing Education | The Center for Lifelong Learning | Atlanta, GA (ctsnet.edu).